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Gene-RADAR®-based Services

on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals

Nanobiosym Selected As One Of The Top Growth Stage Ventures By The ‘Unreasonable’ Group

After a rigorous and highly competitive selection process involving hundreds of companies across the globe, Nanobiosym® has been selected as one of the world’s top 15 growth-stage ventures that will be backed by the Unreasonable Group as entrepreneurs who…


FDA Grants Nanobiosym Diagnostics Emergency Use Authorization for Gene-RADAR® Zika Virus Test

FDA Authorization for the Gene-RADAR® Zika Virus Test on the XPRIZE-Winning Gene-RADAR® Platform


Nanobiosym's Gene-RADAR® Unveiled as the ‘Next Frontier’ in Healthcare Technology at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

Today at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting’s “Looking to the Next Frontier” Plenary Session with Sir Richard Branson and Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Dr. Anita Goel announced Nanobiosym’s commitment to deploy Gene-RADAR® in Africa to stop Ebo…


Silicon Valley must join the Ebola battle before it becomes a matter of survival

In this Washington Post article urging Silicon Valley tech firms to join the Ebola battle, contributor Vivek Wadhwa mentions Nanobiosym’s Gene-RADAR as “…one of the most promising technologies of all” in fighting global pandemics.


We Really Are Living in the (Medical) Future

As a featured innovator in Marketplace Morning Report’s “Big Ideas” series, Dr. Goel discusses Gene-RADAR® and the future of healthcare with host David Brancaccio.


How Today’s Technology is Rapidly Catching up to Star Trek

Similar advances in microfluidics and nanofluidics are enabling development of labs on thumbnail-sized chips. Nanobiosym, for example is developing a device, called Gene-RADAR, that can identify, within minutes, a range of illnesses, including AIDS, malar…


New Test Can Detect HIV without Running Water, Electricity or Trained Staff

The size of an iPad, the Gene-RADAR diagnostic test may someday offer a real-time analysis of not just HIV, but also tuberculosis, malaria, and other diseases.


Cambridge Company Creates iPad-Sized Tech to Diagnose Diseases in Real-Time

Nanobiosym founder Dr. Anita Goel discusses Gene-RADAR®, a device the size of an iPad that contains the power to diagnose diseases in real-time. Cambridge Company Creates iPad-Sized Tech to Diagnose Diseases in Real-Time


Nanobiosym's Gene-RADAR® Diagnoses Diseases Faster

An iPad-size device that takes less than an hour to diagnose diseases with genetic footprints, including HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and some types of cancer Nanobiosym's Gene-RADAR® Diagnoses Diseases Faster


Rethinking Assumptions: Five Opportunities to Leapfrog in Global Development

Gene-RADAR® by Nanobiosym, a Cambridge, Massachusetts based biotech startup, allows for rapid, accurate, field-based molecular sequencing of HIV Rethinking Assumptions: Five Opportunities to Leapfrog in Global Development


Mobile disease sensor wins first Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE

Nanobiosym Gene-RADAR® was named the winner from a pool of 26 competing teams from seven countries, and will receive a $525,000 grand prize Mobile disease sensor wins first Nokia Sensing XCHALLENGE


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